Medium green short fruit with white stripping at blossom ends, black spine pickling type.
Maturity: 55-58 Days
Size: 5 inches long
Dark green blocky long fruit with greenish white flesh.
Maturity: 63-75 Days
Size: 7.5-8.5 inches long x 2.25-2.75 inches diameter
Medium green fruit with white spines and heavy spotting, blocky with slightly tapered ends.
Maturity: 50-60 Days
Size: 5-6 inches long
Deep green smooth cylindrical fruit with blunt ends.
Maturity: 52-75 Days
Size: 8 inches long x 2-2.25 inches diameter
Dark green blocky fruit with white spines no stippling, taper ends on both ends.
Maturity: 58-75 Days
Size: 8-9 inches long x 2.2-2.5 inches diameter
Dark green with slight yellow stripping and slight tapering at stem end.
Maturity: 60-65 Days
Size: 7-8 inches long
Medium green fruit, straight with taper ends white fleshed.
Size: 7-9 inches long x 2.25-2.5 inches diameter
Dark green straight-cylindrical fruit with white spines and slightly rounded ends that tend to taper at blossom end.
Maturity: 55-60 Days
Size: 4-7 inches long
Ivory-white even when mature, cylindrical fruit with rounded ends.
Maturity: 60 Days
Size: 6-8 inches long x 2-3 inches diameter
Long pale green ridged fruit tapers at both ends.
Maturity: 60-67 Days
Size: 7-9 inches long x 2.5-3 inches diameter
Short and round yellow-green fruit with black spines, light green seed cavity.
Maturity: 58-70 Days
Size: 3-3.25 inches long x 2.25-2.5 inches diameter
Medium long green fruit with ridges, and has white flesh.
Maturity: 63 Days
Size: 8-15 inches long
Long straight medium green fruit with tapered ends.
Maturity: 50-55 Days
Size: 7-8 inches
Small dark green smooth fruit, with light green flesh. (Babylon Type)
Size: 4-6 inches long x 2-3 inches diameter
Medium dark green smooth fruit slightly ribbed, light green flesh. (Celebrity Type)
Size: 4-5 inches long x 2-2.25 inches diameter
Small and blocky medium green pickling cucumber with white spines.
Maturity: 52-56 Days
Size: 4-4.25 inches long x 2-2.25 inches diameter
Medium green straight ridged fruit with rounded ends that taper at blossom ends, has white spines.
Maturity: 56 Days
Size: 5-6 inches long x 1.25-2 inches diameter
Dark green fruit with white spines slender smooth shape with tapered ends.
Size: 8-9 inches long x 2-2.5 inches diameter
Short straight dark green fruit with slender smooth rounded ends.
Maturity: 50-58 Days
Size: 4-5 inches long
Hybrid Squash